If you submit your self-assessment tax return late, fail to pay any tax you owe on time, or make errors in your submission, you could find yourself liable to a wide range of HMRC penalties.
Here we look at what happens if you are penalised, and provide some easy steps to take to ensure you keep on the right side of the taxman.
Of all the taxes contractors are responsible for paying – Corporation Tax, VAT, PAYE, National Insurance and Self-Assessment – it is the personal tax return which results in the majority of penalties.
Please contact us for completing your personal tax returns info@mjsupport.co.uk
For more information visit our website www.gov.uk/self-assessment-tax-returns
Sport relief raised more than £38m for charities. If you’ve made any donations, please don't forget to claim Gift Aid on your donations.
According to HMRC about £600millions donations made are not being claimed for Gift Aid by taxpayers imagine how much you could save in your tax bill.
Please contact us ☎️ 0203 143 5869 if you require any help in claiming tax relief for your donations or visit www.gov.uk/claim-gift-aid
Landlords actions and challenges
Landlords will pay more taxes on their property portfolio due to recent changes and moving their properties over limited companies to save taxes but facing the challenges of refinancing and paying CGT and SDLT during the transition process.
It is possible to avoid taxes provided you meet with the conditions and take advantage of reliefs available for CGT and SDLT. In most of cases CGT is avoidable however with SDLT, there are lot of considerations you need to look at that depend on individual case bases and the nature of formation of partnership.
Properties transfer over limited companies are subject to CGT. If you can provide the proof of working with/for your properties, then you may be allowed to incorporate your property business without having to pay CGT.
You don’t have to pay SDLT when you transfer property or land to another person or limited company provided there is no chargeable consideration (or less that £40,000). However, when you transfer a property to a connected party (wife / husband / kids) or linked transactions, then SDLT will be based on market value of the property at the time of transfer. SDLT may be avoided provided you have genuine business partnership and not just to avoid taxes. The SDLT treatment of partnerships is a very complicated/ unsatisfactory area, which requires careful considerations as anti-avoidance rules are in place.
You may need to inform your mortgage company if you transfer your properties to a partnership/company and mortgage costs are higher for properties in an incorporated business. You also need to consider the admin fee and financial evaluation fee when doing so.
All the above points are explained so you know from tax year 2017/18 you have to pay higher income taxes due to 25% reductions every year of allowable finance costs. Also you may need to take necessary steps now to structure your portfolio so you can avoid or pay less CGT and SDLT.
For Clients
We can only advise our clients choosing the route of transferring their ownership over incorporated business after assessing their income and expenses over the period of next 3 years.
We provide two separate calculations and analysis based on these calculations, your future tax bill breakdown of up to 3 years under both scenarios (personal ownership and incorporated business). From the analysis, you will be able to decide of how to structure your property portfolio and under which structure you can save more taxes in future.
Do you need help with accounting taxation, business consultancy or advisory?
We would love to hear from you.
115 Mare Street, London Fields, London United Kingdom, E8 4RU
0203 143 5869
0208 554 4138
Monday - Friday: 09:00 to 17:00
Saturday and sunday: Closed
3 Loxford Terrace, Barking, London United Kingdom, IG11 4RH
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